Time for Lent

Easter is nearly here! The time of year where we celebrate our Risen Lord. How are you preparing your heart? It is so easy to become caught up in the routine and everyday busyness, that we often forget to pause and reflect. In our American culture, we often neglect the necessity to intentionally quiet our spirits and allow our souls to absorb the magnitude of our reality. The reality that we don’t get what we deserve. The reality that The One True King has chosen us. The reality that the God of the universe has stopped at nothing to make a way for us.

But how do we do this? How do we practically apply such a profound concept that our finite brains cannot possibly fully comprehend? Maybe, we simply start with stillness. Maybe, we intentionally set aside time to hear from our Creator and Savior. And perhaps, by setting our agenda aside, we can intentionally allow room for the one who deserves our all.

But what if we don’t stop there? And instead, we live given. Because if we live with walls to block out inevitable pain and discomfort that we all are all too familiar with, all the love that is trying to get in will be blocked out as well. Maybe, we admit our brokenness. We need to first admit this to ourselves. And then, take it immediately to our Savior. And maybe then we can be brave enough to admit our brokenness to each other. Because, what every broken heart needs is to break down its self-protecting walls. What every one of us broken beings needs is to be vulnerable enough to share its brokenness. You will see as much healing in your life as you let people see the brokenness in your life. You are as healable as you are vulnerable.

Perhaps, this Easter season we can do it differently. Perhaps we can reflect on what our Savior has done for us through our intentional vulnerability as we live given.