What is Your ‘Two-Minute Gospel’

For our last blog post I wanted to circle back to something we talked about a few weeks ago: having a 2-minute version of the gospel in your head ready to go.

Now, I want to reiterate, this is not intended to be a script you recite like some kind of elevator pitch for Christianity. You will probably never give this speech to someone in an effort to teach them about Jesus. This exercise is intended to organize your thoughts about your faith, to give you some language/phrases to comeback to, and to identify themes that you see as paramount in your Christian walk.

The term ‘two-minute gospel’ is a little nebulous. And that is on purpose! There is not perfect templet for how to do this. Some will be broad frameworks that touch upon lots of topics, while others will be concise and focused on specific elements of salvation. Remember, this is supposed to help you talk about your faith—so make it useful for you.

Here is my version of the two-minute gospel:


God created humans and the world perfect. But humans were made special—we were made to partner with God in the care of the Earth and to be in companionship with God. However, we got it in our heads that God was hiding things from us. We wanted to have more of everything—we wanted everything we thought God was hiding. So, we sinned—we disobeyed God.

This caused a problem, because, among other things, God is perfectly just. That means that sin cannot be near God. Those with sin are destroyed in God’s presence. But God’s Perfect Justice also means that as soon as sins are paid for all is forgiven, as if it never happened. Unfortunately, the only way for sin to be paid for is death. This means for us to be united with God again we would have to die.

But this is where another of God’s characteristics comes in: amazing mercy. God’s mercy could not stand to allow us to die for our sins. So, God came down to earth (in the form of Jesus) to pay the penalty for all our sins (death). Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead so that we might be restored into a relationship with God. Because of Jesus we can be adopted back into the family of God, just as God intending from the very beginning. Jesus is the only way to shed out sin in order to restore this relationship now and for eternity.


Mine is pretty wide reaching. It touches upon idea of creation, creation care, divine fellowship, sin, God’s justice, God’s Mercy, Jesus’ incarnation, and adoption metaphors. My version highlights the notion that these are not super useful as missional scripts. Simply reciting this to someone probably is not going to do much good. Its jam packed with big concepts that will overwhelm someone and not give a complete picture of God’s perfect plan of redemption. But it gives me a frame of reference for talking with people about God. I love using the seemingly opposite notions of God’s perfect justice and amazing mercy as the backbone of my conversations. This provides (for me) an easy introduction of Jesus and how Jesus is the only way to balance these two divine characteristics.

Within my two-minute gospel, are themes that I can expand upon depending on the person I am talking to. If the person talks about feeling a lack of belonging or loneliness then I focus on the adoption themes; if they talk about frustrations over evil in the world then I would focus on human sin nature and divine justice, or if they talked about environmental issues, I would focus on creation care and how God intended us to work in tandem to care for our earth (as it will be our forever home).

I would encourage you, as your last official act as member of RiverTree Community Church, take some time and think about what your two-minute gospel would look like. Write down an outline. Practice saying elements of it. It may sound like an artificial exercise with not much practical use. But I promise you it can be one of the most useful and powerful tools you can have. Try it out, and I know you will see just how powerful this exercise can be for your personal faith but also for your future spiritual conversations.


Let’s Feast

   My grandma is a really good cook. I love her roast beef meals…her chicken and dumplings… and of course turkey meals are loved all year long. I must admit, it is really hard to pick a favorite meal, but I know what my favorite side dish is…her mashed potatoes. They are so good!!! What does this have to do with anything? I am afraid when it comes to the Bible, we just go for the mashed potatoes, we avoid the meat. Maybe we are scared of misunderstanding the meaty truths? Maybe we truly need some more mashed potatoes to help us ingest the meat. Or maybe, you don’t have the time or don’t have an interest. I hope the last option is not the case. 

   Regardless, I want to go on a theological deep dive that gives your brain a workout. Recently, in one on one conversations, two of you have asked me great questions. One of them, I did not have time to answer thoroughly; the other, I gave my best attempt. These questions have stayed in my mind and I started thinking about how they are beneficial to everyone when thinking about the important truths of Scripture. So, we are skipping the mashed potatoes and going straight for the meat. Are you ready? Here we go.

Question #1=What are the five points of Calvinism? 

   Surely many of you have heard of the great theologian John Calvin who played an important role during the reformation. But, have you ever heard of Jacob Arminius? He was a theologian in the late 1500’s. After his death, some of his followers wrote five statements of faith in 1610 to summarize his teachings. His teachings were widely debated and eventually condemned in 1619 at the Synod of Dort. The five points of Calvinism emerged as a response against Jacob Arminius’ teachings.

   The five points of Calvinism are as follows: Total Depravity-Unconditional Election-Limited Atonement-Irresistible Grace-Preservation of the Saints.

  Let me briefly define those statements because I believe the five points paint a Biblical picture of salvation. 

Total depravity: Sin has affected us so completely that we cannot turn to God on our own. 

   We as human beings are soaked in sin. Sin penetrates everything we do. Ephesians 2 reminds us that we are spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins. Romans 3 reminds us that no one is righteous. In our sinful state, we don’t delight in God or His holiness. We are slaves to sin. We are unable to save ourselves. We are unable to reach out to God. We are dependent on Him for our rescue.

Unconditional Election: God unconditionally elects whom He will bring to salvation before the foundation of the world. 

   God chooses the people whom He will deliver from their bondage to sin. The important thing here is that election is modified by a very important adjective, without which the entire meaning changes. Unconditional. God elects people because of His grace. His choice is free. It is not based on what people do, but it is in spite of their rebellion and evil against God. It is not based on any foreseen faith…as in, God looking ahead down the corridors of time, sees that someone in their own power chooses to have faith in Jesus and then God says okay, I will elect you.  It is based on His grace alone because like I mentioned above we will never choose Christ in our sin.

Limited Atonement: Jesus specifically died and atoned for the sin for the elect. 

   This is probably the most debated and misunderstood of all the five points. It raises the age old question…did Jesus die to save His elect or did Jesus die with the potential of saving everyone? For whom did Jesus die? Jesus could not die for all people in the same way. If He died for everyone then no one would be in Hell. If the death of Jesus did not decisively save anyone and only made it possible for people to be saved that presents a problem; that makes people their own saviors and not God, because then the person would be the decisive factor of their salvation. So, Jesus did not die for everyone. His death accomplished an actual purpose, not a mere possibility.  I like how John Piper says “the love of God is sufficient to save the world, but efficient to save those who believe.  Efficient means His love actually saves believers. It is effective in saving them from perishing.”

Irresistible Grace: God overcomes our resistance and changes our hearts through regeneration so that we want and love Jesus. 

   God does not force anyone to be saved or make them do something for which they have no desire. Rather, God graciously changes the disposition of their nature. He removes the dead unresponsive heart and regenerates it by giving the heart new life. This act causes a person to want and love Christ; their natural response then is one of faith. 

Preservation of the Saints. Believers are secure in their salvation all because all who are justified and covered with the blood of Christ will be saved in the end. 

   Once saved, always saved. If a person is truly born again, then they can never lose their salvation. No sin can separate them from God. Jesus died for that sin and canceled its legal demands against them. He secures believers’ salvation by His blood. They are eternally secure in Christ. God will see to it that they reach their glorious destination in heaven. Believers are eternally secure.

   There is a lot more that could be said about each point, but I hope this general overview is helpful. Truth be told, the five points are actually a great segway into our next question. 

Question #2=Do we have free will?

   Personally, I am not a huge fan of the term free will, because I think it can be misleading. I like the term moral agency. Regardless, the underlying topic remains: human choices under a sovereign God. Are we able to make choices? Yes. And we will choose what we want most at the moment. But going back to the five points, there is something we must remember. Before faith in Christ, we are soaked in sin. Sin affects everything we do. So even our ability to make choices is saturated with sin. Outside of Christ, we will choose what we want. That choice is not God. We don’t want God. We won’t choose God. In the deadness of sin, we don’t have either the capacity or desire to love Him. Romans 3 reminds us that no one is righteous and no one seeks God. Ephesians 2 highlights that we are dead in sin and outside of Christ we carry out the passions of our sinful nature. That is why our will has to be changed

   God must remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. This is the miracle of regeneration. When this happens, our natural response is that we see the beauty of Christ. We want Him. We recognize what He has done on our behalf. We respond in faith. Again, we cannot make this response apart from God changing our wills. 

  Now that’s a discussion of “free will” in response to salvation. What about everyday choices? Yes, we make those. Our choices are real and God is sovereign. God cannot be God if He is not sovereign. Then something else would be more powerful than God. So God, by definition must be sovereign. 

 God determines and designs all things by orchestrating trillions upon trillions of factors so that everything, past, present, and future, happens according to His perfect goals. Nothing, past, present, or future is outside of God’s providence. That includes good things, bad things…it includes everything. The red lights you get stuck at in traffic, when one of your hairs fall out,  every breath you breathe. 

   So, God’s sovereignty permeates all life events and that does include all human decisions. There is a way in which God is the primary and first cause of everything while, at the same time, God nevers sins and does not tempt people. Humans are still morally responsible beings who make choices. God’s choosing and willing, does not negate real, human decisions. God governs human choices and preferences in a way that does not turn people into mindless robots. God made us beautifully with individual gifts and talents, with feelings and emotions. Right now on earth, those gifts are tainted with sin. In heaven, our emotions and personalities will be perfected into the person God designed us to be. Then we will truly be free and our wills, free from sin, will have the ability to enjoy and love God in fullest measure.

  Wow, I just fed you a lot. I believe I painted a Biblical perspective of a God centered salvation and of a human’s will. Regardless of whether or not you agree, go to the Bible. Look this up for yourself. Saturate your mind with the truth of Scripture. Let God’s Word sink into your heart.  Don’t just live on mashed potatoes truths. Enjoy your mashed potatoes with meat and let’s feast on the nourishment of God’s Word.


The Lenten Practice of Waiting

We are in the Lenten season. We so often think of Lent as a time to ‘give something up’. People will swear off all kinds of things for Lent: sugar, social media, alcohol, bread, or T.V. The practice of fasting is wonderful and can bring one closer to God in an amazing way.  In the case of Lent however, I wonder if it has overshadowed a larger theme of the season: the theme of expectant waiting.


When it is boiled down to its core, Lent is a season of preparing our hearts for Holy week. It is about orienting our minds to reflect and celebrate the death and resurrection of our savior Jesus. It is geared toward looking forward to the cross.


I often think about the ‘first lent’. No, I’m not talking about the first official Lent after 325ce. I’m referring to the actual 40 days before Jesus died. What must that time have been like for Jesus. Everyday mentally counting down the days until torture and death. Tracing down this timeline is hard because of the nature of the gospels but we do get glimpses into this time—Jesus’ actions at the last supper and Jesus’ mental state in the garden of Gethsemane are two prime examples of this time.


Recently, I started a new tradition. For the past few years, I have kicked off the Lenten season by watching the Movie Lake Mungo. This is a film that revolves around a family investigating the possibility that their recently deceased daughter (Alice) is haunting them. (spoilers ahead!) Part way through the movie, the family find Alice’s old cell phone. The phone provides evidence that Alice had a vision of her death a year prior to it happening. From that point forward, the movie is less about a family dealing with the grief of loss and more about Alice wrestling with the reality of her own impending death. In some of the most heart wrenching scenes ever committed to film, we see 16-year-old Alice go through just about every emotion possible in the lead up to her death. This movie is genuinely a powerful example of the idea of expectant waiting and what it looks like.


Having something looming in our future that we are nervous about, are afraid of, or are downright dreading is a scary prospect. It is something we have all done. Done many, many times I would hazard to guess. Sometimes when we get to the actual event, we find it was not as bad as we expected, and the worst part was our nerves leading up to it. Other times just the opposite is true. It was just as bad as we expected if not worse. But that time of expected waiting always remains. That time of mental, spiritual, and emotional wresting is when our true feelings are made clear and laid bare to God and ourselves.


My annual rewatching of Lake Mungo acts as a reminder of what Lent is supposed to be. Lent is a time every year when we reflect on what it means to wait. Wait for God. Wait for news. Wait for something to happen. Lent should force us to examine ourselves and how our faith and relationship with God has changed over the past year. Alice had next to no relationship with God, so she sot answers in just about everything else. Jesus is the Son of God, so he threw himself at the feet and mercy of God with everything that was within him.


This Lenten season, I challenge you to examine yourself and what the idea of ‘waiting’ looks like for you. Especially in seasons of turmoil or hardship, how do you wait in those times? How does God enter the equation for you in those moments? Uncertainty is scary, waiting is scary. But Lent is a yearly reminder that we do not wait alone. We wait with the one who died for us. We wait with the one who himself waited—waited for the sins of all humanity to come crashing on his shoulders. Let that God wait with you. Open yourself up to that level of love and strength. Happy Lent!


Purposeful Life


   God made you on purpose with a purpose. I love this saying by Max Lucado. I believe it highlights something very important. God’s sovereignty touches every part of our life experience. I want to highlight two passages in Scripture that really showcase this point. Jeremiah 1:5 says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Second, Psalm 139 reads “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” If you pause for a second you can certainly feel the wonder of that. But let’s dive in deeper to think about this truth so that you can marvel with awe and joy that the God of the universe is involved in the intricate details of each and every second of your live.

   God made you on purpose. Think about that. GOD MADE YOU! Now I will restrain my inner AP biology nerd, but I will give you a scientific fact. In the creation of a human life, did you know that there are over 8.3 million different genetic combinations; only one combination makes you. Any other genetic combination would result in an entirely different human being. So, that means God in His sovereignty placed your parents together at the right time and made sure the right genetic combination came together to create you. God’s sovereignty penetrates the molecular level. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. As the verse in Jeremiah reminds us, God knew you before you were born. But it’s more than that. God does not just know what will happen, but He causes and wills all things that take place. God never acts on the fly or responds to things in the spur of the moment. So, God did not just know you would exist; He planned your existence. The fact that you would exist in a certain place at a certain time is something God designed before the world was made, before time and space and material reality existed. And, if you are Christian, God also ordained your salvation in eternity past. God made you on purpose.

   God also made you with a purpose. Psalm 139 proclaims that all the days ordained for you were written in God’s book before one of them came to be. The beautiful truth is that God has planned out your life for His glory and our ultimate good in Christ. Days and life seasons are not random. Nothing in your life is random. Every moment happens for a reason. Every moment is part of God’s great plan specifically for you. While we are not consecrated prophets like Jeremiah, God has appointed each and every one of us with a task to do. He has gifted you uniquely to accomplish your God-given tasks. No matter your skill set, your vocation, your hobbies, your gifts, God made you with a purpose. 

   I hope this encourages you. No matter what season of life you may be in right now, rest in the truth of these verses. Rest in the fact that God, the all powerful, sovereign God made you on purpose with a purpose. 


Christmas Light


   Picture this. You walk into your dark family room. No lights are on. You can’t really see anything. So, you walk over to the stepper and turn on your Christmas tree.Instantly, beautiful light fills the room, making the ornaments visible, reflecting on the walls, the ceiling. Now you can see. And for the next few seconds, all you want to do is look at the pretty tree in front of you. I don’t know about you, but I love doing this, either early in the morning or in the evening. Now, you might ask, why would I give this example? This description, this simple action of turning on a Christmas tree, can redirect our attention to a greater truth. This beautiful picture reminds us of what God does to the human heart in salvation. 

   Jesus is light and He makes the darkness of sin flee. Before Christ, the darkness of sin fills our hearts. It is only through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit…it is only through the light God shines in our hearts that brings us to saving faith. Scripture often makes this connection between light and spiritual life. In Jesus “was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1:4-5)For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Cor. 4:6)  His light that gives life brings us faith and belief. He is “the light of the world, Whoever follows [Him] will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8:12) 

    This is the miracle of the Gospel and this is what Christmas reminds us: We receive the greatest gift ever when God shines the light of salvation into our hearts. So, don’t celebrate Christmas in the dark. As you celebrate Christmas, celebrate the Savior, the Light of the World. Don’t let the long to-do lists take your focus away from God. Let simple reminders direct your heart to the saving faith that the light of Christ’s birth brings into a dark world. 


Who Do You Say That I Am?


Matthew 16:13-20

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”  And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.  And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then He strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

   Who do you say that I am? This is the most important question all of us must answer. Your eternal destiny relates to how you respond to Jesus and the Gospel. Who is Jesus? Most people in Jesus’ day had expectations that the Messiah would be a great prophet. And Jesus is a prophet, but Jesus is not just a prophet. So again, who is Jesus? Fully God, fully man. Son of God. Perfect sacrifice. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Savior. Redeemer. Lion of Judah. Son of Man. Lamb of God. Alpha. Omega. I AM. Light of the World. Mighty God. The eternal Word. Emmanuel. Messiah. Prince of Peace. Wonderful Counselor. Good shepherd. Living Water. Bread of Life. Cornerstone. 

   This is Jesus. This is who Peter confesses, the Christ, the Son of the living God. But, sadly, not everyone sees Jesus this way. When a person is dead in their sin, Jesus is just another good person or good teacher or great prophet. It takes God to know God. For us to rightly know who Jesus is, God has to reveal Himself to the human heart. God has to take that which is spiritually dead and bring new life. This causes a person to respond to Jesus in faith and love and see Him as He truly is. That’s what Jesus tells us; God revealed Himself to Peter so that Peter had an understanding of who Jesus is.

   Jesus tells us something else, something very important. After Jesus points to God’s revealing power, He talks about rocks. Yes, rocks. And Jesus does an interesting wordplay in Greek that we don’t notice in English. He says, And I tell you, you are Petros (a piece of a rock or stone), and on this Petra (an immovable rock, a massive boulder) I will build my church. So, what is Jesus talking about here? Many people think Jesus refers to Peter as the rock on which the church is built. But He does not say, you are Peter and on you I will build my church. As we see, Jesus makes a distinction between the types of rocks. Along with many other commentators, I believe that Jesus is referring to Himself. He reveals that He is the Rock of the church. Jesus is pointing out that He will build the church on Himself, on what Peter confessed…the church is built on Christ, the Son of the Living God. 

   This is not the first time in Scripture Jesus is referred to as a rock or foundation.

-Isaiah 28:16: Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’ 

-Acts 4:11: This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.

-1 Corinthians 3:11: No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

   I hope we get the point here. Jesus is the immovable Rock. Jesus is the foundation of the church. Jesus is the one whom Satan can never stand against. The church will advance, succeed, and overcome through their confession that Jesus is the one and only Savior, the perfect Son of God. Peter plays an important part in this…after Jesus’ ascension, he proclaims and preaches Jesus before many. That’s what we need to do as well. In our words and in our actions, we need to proclaim Jesus. And this is the God given responsibility of the church: to proclaim the name of Jesus. So, who do you say that Jesus is? Is He your God? Is He your Savior whom you will boldly proclaim? May God enrich our understanding of who Jesus is and embolden us to proclaim the Gospel.  


God Moments


   Don’t you love God stories…you know, the moments only God could have orchestrated. As in, there is absolutely no logical explanation other than God worked an amazing miracle!  When your car fails and you are able to get off the highway before it completely breaks down. When you randomly have a conversation with an acquaintance about an online high school homeschooling program right when you are thinking of switching away from traditional schooling. When you go to the orthopedist for a routine check up. Your crooked spine is expected to stay the same, or get worse; but the x-ray shows that your spine got a little better. When you email out your resumė to Presbyterian and non-denominational churches who do not list a worship leader on their website. One pastor emails back and says that RiverTree is in the early stages of discussing having a worship position and would love to meet up and talk.  

   What if we viewed all of life in that lens? What if we recognized and praised God for His involvement in all that happens. To do so, we have to remember God’s providence and sovereignty. Everything in our lives happens under God’s providence and sovereignty. What exactly does that mean? Let’s go over some of the basics. 

   God’s sovereignty and providence means that God upholds, preserves, sustains, governs, orders, and causes all things. He did not set the world in motion and then step back and let things happen randomly by chance. He is actively involved in all things. God’s active involvement, God’s providence, is anchored in His eternal plan for His glory and the good of His people. God never responds to things on the fly, because nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard. So, God’s sovereignty is more than just Him knowing what’s going to happen in advance. He not only knows, but He wills and causes what will happen in the future. That includes creation, good things, bad things…it includes everything. That can be hard to wrap our minds around, so let’s break it down. God’s providence includes all spheres of life. Let’s explore that. Let’s start with creation as a whole and work our way down to human sin and salvation. 

   Throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms, we see that God Himself makes a blade of grass grow, causes snow to fall, and sends wind throughout the earth. His sovereignty extends to sustaining the smallest molecule. So every drop of rain, every breath-taking sunset, every crashing wave is governed by God. 

   God’s sovereignty goes well beyond the realm of creation. His sovereignty permeates all life events, all human decisions. Nothing, past, present, or future is outside of God’s providence. We don’t often think like this. So let it soak in. Every nation, every person, every human action, and even every sin falls under His sovereignty. How can that be? There is a way in which God is the primary and first cause of everything while, at the same time, God nevers sins and does not tempt people, and humans are still morally responsible beings who make choices. This is a mystery that we as finite people will never fully understand. Even theologians have a hard time putting this Biblical truth into words. I think Joseph said it best in Genesis, “As for you (his brothers) you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” So even in the midst of human sin and human decisions God is working behind the scenes to accomplish His great purposes. Think of Jesus’ crucifixion. Men abused Him and sentenced Him to a criminal’s death on the cross. Yet it was God’s eternal purpose from before time began that Jesus would be our sacrifice and pay the price for our sins through His death. This is God’s providence writing history.  

   God in His sovereignty also orchestrates our salvation. We often like to give ourselves credit for our salvation. But we can’t. Salvation is 100% God’s sovereign work from start to finish. He specifically chose a people whom He would rescue from their sin. He makes sure they hear the gospel. He changes their hearts to give them new life. He enables them and causes them to respond in faith to His Son. As Scripture says, For it is by grace that we are saved, it’s not our own doing it’s a gift of God. So our salvation is a God moment, our response to Jesus is God’s providential work in our lives to bring about His desired outcome.

   Why talk about providence and how we think about our life experience? Because it helps us with anxiety. God’s providence is a great comfort for us. Nothing is outside of his control. If something were not under God’s control, then God would not be God. Then something would be greater than God. But that is not the God of the Bible. That is not the God we serve and worship. Our God is all powerful, all knowing and fully sovereign. So, we know that God is working out all things for the good of His chosen children who love Him. We can trust that He is providing the best thing for us at any moment. 

   That is true of our trials as well. Jesus tells us that in this world we will have troubles. Being a Christian does not exempt you from problems. We live in a fallen broken world where evil and Satan seem to win. But we know that all evil and even Satan himself is fully under God’s control. When troubles happen, we know God governs their duration; He knows how they will help us grow to be more like Christ and He will stop them at the right time. Sometimes we see the results in this life; other times God will sustain and provide for us through an ongoing trial until we reach heaven where all troubles disappear. We know God cares about our hurts and pains. He will be our source of hope and surround us with His eternal love. In the midst of our hardships we can trust that He is painting a bigger and better picture than we can ever imagine. 

    So, we need to remember to look back on God’s providence over our lives. It is really helpful. It helps us have hope for the future. Looking back at our God moments and miracles helps to fuel our worship and praise even when the future seems uncertain.  But we know that God’s faithfulness never fails; as He was faithful before and provided before, so he will be faithful and provide just what is needed again. He will never stop providing what is best for His children. So take time. Think of your God stories, your God moments and rest in the God who sovereign and loves you more than you can imagine.