March 2020

Wilderness: A Time of Challenge

This week, we kick off our Lent series exploring just what it means for us to be in the wilderness. Jesus’ own 40-day wilderness exile will be our jumping off point for this series. We open things up by exploring the idea that wilderness times come with their own set of wild beasts. These beasts […]

February 2020

“Protecting the Community or Being Selfish?”

This week we close out our series on ‘Rigid Love’ by examining the books of ii and iii John. That’s right, 2 entire books! (Don’t worry its under 30 verses total). We look at each as an example of how to understand and utilize the outline and teachings we saw in i John. Then we […]

“Test the Spirits”

This week, we examine I John 4:1-6. We explore John’s call for us to ‘test spirits to see if they are from God.’ Is it possible that this test is firmly rooted in the idea of Divine Love? We also see how this relates to our desire to fully become a community of love.

January 2020

“There can be no Fear in Love”

This week we kick off 2020 by starting a series on the books of i-iii John. In this opening sermon, we talk about why i John was written. We also discuss what it means for love to replace fear.

December 2019

“What does the Church have to look forward to this Advent Season?”

This week we continue our look through the Prophecies of Isaiah by reading Isa.10:33-11:9. We ask the question ‘what does Advent as a season of expectantly look like on this side of the Nativity?’