--- Messages


September 2020

RTCC Reads Mark Together: Chapters 3, 4, and 5

Mark Chapters 3, 4, and 5: Read by Diane Snodgrass, Steve Ecker, and Kristine Kisman

RTCC Reads Mark Together: Chapters 1 and 2

Mark Chapters 1 and 2, read by Jesse Kisman and Sarah Macky.

Faith at Home—“So What’s a Household?”

We kick off our new series by examining just what is a household. We look at what Joshua meant when he said, ‘as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD’ (Josh 24:15).  Lastly, we see just how important households are in God’s grand story.

‘P’summer of Psalms—Psalm 150: Praise God for the Journey

We concluded our summer adventure though the Psalms by examining the book’s final chapter: Psalm 150. In it, we find a call to praise. Urging us to continually praise God, for not only is God the God of the cosmic and massive. But God is also the God over the small moments in each of our lives. That is certainly worthy of our praise!   

August 2020

‘P’summer of Psalms—Psalm 120: Letting God Take Control

This week, we examine the first of the Psalms of Ascent: Psalm 120. We discuss how that, if let on our own, we would just about always make things worse for ourselves. But, if we can continually choose to surrender our sinful nature to God, then we will be well on our way toward our own ascent toward salvation!

‘P’summer of Psalms—Psalm 118: Hope in our Darkest Moments

We continue our ‘P’summer of Psalms series by diving into Psalm 118. This Psalm holds a special place in both Jewish and Christian thought. It is easy to see why! We walk through the psalm pondering what it might have meant for Jesus, as he sang it on the very night be was betrayed.

‘P’summer of Psalms—Psalm 22: Can we be Angry with God?

This week, we continue our ‘p’summer of psalms by looking at Psalm 22. There, we examine the idea of lament. Can we lament against God? Why do we often want to lament to God? We close by showing that Jesus, in his last moments, gave us an example of what lament looks like.

July 2020

‘P’summer of Psalms—Psalm 1: Who Are We Going to Follow?

This week, we kick off our ‘P’summer of Psalms by briefly talking about the book of Psalms as a whole. Then we dive into Psalm 1. There we see just how impactfully it acts as an intro to the entire book. We explore the question the poet asks us: ‘who are we going to take advice from?’

There is Hope in the Words

This week Jesse shares from his favorite passage. We examine Exodus 3:11-14 looking for hope. We explore the notion that the very name and hope of God is never far from us. Even in the very words we say!

Social Justice and Oppression Through the Eyes of the Minor Prophets: Micah

Kathy finishes out our series by examining the words of the prophet Micah. We explore what justice seems to be in our culture today and what God seems to say justice is. Finally, we discuss the idea that our actions are part of Gods plan and so we cannot let our own desires overshadow the voice of God in our lives.
